Practical Tips On Composing An Extended Definition Essay Outline

If you want practical tips on composing an extended definition essay outline then follow the steps below:

  • The first thing you need is your topic. This might be assigned or you might have the freedom to select it on your own.

  • The next thing you want to do is brainstorm different ideas. The ideas that you brainstorm should be in response to your prompt. Look over the prompt or the subject matter that you're going to cover for your writing assignment and write down any relevant thoughts that you might have. Take note of evidence that you might already know which comes to mind and you something like a mind map to really stimulate more lateral thinking.

  • You want to make sure that each point you present with in your body is going to be relevant to your topic. Once you have this plan written out you should have a very clear idea as to the direction in which your final writing will go.

  • When you are writing the introductory area you want to avoid using passive voice and you want to always rely upon active voice. Active voice requires your subjects to take direct action and this is an attention grabbing and powerful way to draft your first product. You also want to avoid using first person narrative in almost all cases and personal pronouns. Instead you want to remain a bit more generic and general so as to truly hook your reader.

  • The body paragraphs are where you present are your main purpose and all of the details that support the thesis. In almost all cases the first body paragraph needs to contain your strongest argument or perhaps your most significant example. In some cases chronological explanations might be required for the order of your content in which case the strongest argument may not come first. But no matter which argument you present your first sentence needs to service the topic sentence directly relating your example to your thesis statement. This needs to explain to the reader what your example is but perhaps more portly, by your example is relevant. Simply presenting the example is not enough. You never want to assume that your reader will figure something out or that they will draw a connection in their mind exactly how you drew a connection in yours. Need to spell out exactly what connection you want them to draw.

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