Searching For Examples Of A College Essay Introduction

The introduction is probably the most important part of your college essay. Without a catchy, interesting first paragraph, you will lose your reader and they won’t have any desire or motivation to keep reading. When your reader is your teacher or even more importantly, an admissions committee, then you’ve got to be sure your introduction is the best it can be.

What does an essay introduction include?

This is the first impression you give of your writing and of your topic. You need to make your paper stick out in your reader’s mind and become memorable. It should include a hook, which is the part that pulls the reader in. It could be a question, illustration, description or narrative. It should be specific and relevant to the information in the body of your paper.

It also includes a transition, or the sentence that connects the hook you used with your thesis statement.

The thesis statement is one or two sentences that summarize the main point you are making. If there is a prompt question, the thesis should answer it.

Benefits of using an example when writing

Why go to all the work to find a relevant example? How can having one benefit your writing? Is it really worth the effort? Most students who have successfully used an example would agree – it’s a real time saver. Not only does it show you a template of how the introduction should be structured, it also gives you an idea of how to use a hook to grasp the reader’s attention.

How to look for an example for your introduction

You may look in a few different places to get a good example. One place is your school library. There may be some college essays in the archives or your teacher may keep some examples for students to look at. Keep in mind they will be looked at by everyone else as well. Maybe you want yours to be a little more unique. In that case, consider going online and finding a reputable writing agency. Order a college paper introduction in the same field as yours, and use it as a guideline to write your own.

Of course, you must avoid plagiarism at all costs. Don’t use any of the content in the example you obtain. Just use it as a roadmap or template to write your own content.

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